Money Market

Our Money Market accounts are a smart choice for those looking to save at a higher dividend rate, but who also want more accessibility to their funds than a certificate may offer. Members who choose Money Market accounts generally do not require many small, frequent withdrawals. 

We offer two tiers of accounts, which enables us to provide our most competitive rates. Money Market accounts can be opened with a minimum deposit of $2,500 whereas Premium Money Market accounts require a $20,000 deposit. Each account is insured up to $325,000 for your peace of mind and security.


  • Higher dividend rate than a traditional savings account
  • Dividends are compounded and paid quarterly
  • Deposits are not limited by a dollar amount, once the account is established

Each type of Money Market account allows four withdrawals each month with a minimum withdrawal of $500. The accounts will earn dividends at a higher rate, but you need to maintain the minimum balance to qualify or the regular savings rate will apply.


dad with his daughter who is holding a piggy bank

Youth Certificates

Save big and dream big with our Youth Savings Certificate! An annual percentage yield of 4.50% is the perfect way to save for your little one's future. 

teen working on his homework

Teen Certificates

Picture it and achieve it with our Teen Savings Certificate! With an annual percentage yield of 5.50% you can help your teen build their savings.